

For inquiries regarding Kimita Onsen Mori no Izumi, please call us or fill out the inquiry form.

Before contacting us please be sure to refer to our FAQ page.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for there, then please feel free to contact us through our inquiry form.

Reservations can also be made by phone or through our reservation website.

Dedicated reception dial number


Monday – Friday:10 AM – 5 PM

Call us at


Monday – Friday:11 AM – 9 PM

Inquiry form

We will do our best to respond to your inquiries to the best of out ability during business hours, but please note that there may be instances when a response could take longer than expected or we may be unable to respond. If your inquiry is urgent we recommend contacting us by phone.

  • 1Enter
  • 2Confirm
  • 3Complete

*Please fill in the required fields.

    Subject of inquiry
    Email address
    Details of your inquiry

    Remaining characters : 500